I decided to an actress because of the film 'La Dolce Vita.'
Personally, I don't know what I'd do without films.
Film is changing, and it can't help but keep changing.
In film, you have to let go sometimes.
I usually play character parts in Hollywood films.
Films are a part of my being, they don't define me.
Any film you make is a crap shoot.
Kenya doesn't have much of an infrastructure for hosting a film.
When I first filmed things, they were always slightly awkward.
I've always shot on film, but the times are changing.
One of my favorite films is 'Pretty Woman.'
Theater to me is acting but it's more real on film.
I've always loved film more than theater.
A film that is bleached tends to have a more realistic quality.
The economy of film forces you to make choices.
Danish film is spreading in a fantastic way.
I like doing film, you know, single-camera.
The so-called intellectuals don't like my films.
Wes Anderson's films, 6-year-olds are crazy about them.
My films seem to be about men's struggle with failure.
I come from a family where my father is a filmmaker and professor of film.