My eyes are too small, and they're too close together, and I have a pointy nose. But who cares? Who cares?!
The minds of small children are more interested in clockwork trains, jumping in puddles and other important childhood endeavours.
The cost to Tata of purchasing Land Rover and Jaguar may have been small, but its wider symbolic significance is enormous.
Where do we record the passing of wildlife? Who mourns the silent deaths of the small?
My parents were entrepreneurs. They ran a small ad agency in upstate New York.
Um... Bulgaria is an interesting country. The people are lovely. There are potholes the size of small planets.
People in small towns, much more than in cities, share a destiny.
When I was a small boy, I was bullied more than most, mainly because I was a foot shorter than everyone else.
The University of Timbuktu never existed. The only thing that existed in Timbuktu was a small mud hut.
For myself, I am very small indeed in my own eyes.
A small venue is so much more intimate and loose. You can actually be more spontaneous, I feel.
Through tattered clothes, small vices do appear. Robes and furred gowns hide all.
It rained a lot in New Hampshire, and when I skied, the snow was icy and hard, and the mountains were small.
My favourite subjects at school were algebra and logic: making a big problem into something small.
In a small space, you want to keep the bedding as simple as possible so it looks clean, calm and collected.
When I was a kid I was always afraid of small dogs, because they always seemed like the ones that would attack.
From one small lie her dream had transformed into a hideous nightmare
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Denmark is a small nation of five million people, but our economy is completely dependent on our commercial fleet. Every family has some connection to it.
I think I've learnt that there is no character so strange that you haven't shared their experience in some small way.
We actually have a small family. It's just my father and I and my grandmother, who lives in Tokyo. I cherish my friendships.