Each hour injures, the last one slays.
Slander slays three persons: the speaker, the spoken to, and the spoken of.
Geez, what do I need to do, use semaphore? I told you I was unclaimed.
Give me a sword and I will slay a man, give me a voice and I will slay a country.
…If one who slays one is a murderer then he who slays a thousand is not a hero,' said Lalu. - Pg. #112, Across the Black Waters.
Millions of men, renouncing their human feelings and reason, had to go from west to east to slay their fellows, just as some centuries previously hordes of men had come from the east to the west slaying their fellows.
Americans invented adolescence. It is not a natural phenomenon. Adolescence is a social construct, created by an urban-industrial society that keeps its young at home far past puberty. Teenage angst is a luxury if a successful modern human conceit th...
Last period of the day was new gym class. It was her only class that didn't include Evan, which was a relief. She should be functioning at a peak concentration, but he and his luminous eyes kept distracting her. First opprtunity I have, she thought. ...
War its thousands slays, Peace its ten thousands.
Yep, Atlanta was burning. Again.
Boredom slays more of existence than war.
One can learn from what is not said.
Tonight let's slay some dragons.
Stress is an important dragon to slay - or at least tame - in your life.
What is wrong with you? Many, many things.
The abuse dies in a day, but the denial slays the life of the people, and entombs the hope of the race.
There were dragons to slay in the old days. Nixon was a good dragon.
Memories demand attention, and these memories will have teeth.
Put your badass faces on and follow me.
The first magic wave kicked the world in the face.
Black hair, angelic face, and devil eyes.