We also have a conference call feature where up to five people can talk on one Skype call.
Now, we connect via Skype or Google+ Hangout and see our friends' and loved ones' faces live.
With Skype video calling, teachers can provide their students with first-hand knowledge from experts around the world and with other classes who are studying the same subject halfway across the world.
I don't care how someone lives or how good their spoken English is. I do all of my interviews on Skype text chat - all that matters is their work.
My boyfriend and I don't get to live in the same city all the time, and the fact that I can text him or call him or even Skype with him is so wonderful.
Despite our ever-connective technology, neither Skype nor Facebook - not even a telephone call - can come close to the joy of being with loved ones in person.
I don't really like to go out that much. But when I do, I go to the movies, just hang out with friends. I go on Skype and iChat and just chill.
People need to access Skype wirelessly, no matter where they are, and what happens is that we'll be taking advantage of the rollout of Internet everywhere - WiFi and WiMax in particular.
We have just started, and if you compare the number of people using Skype to the number using a telephone network around the world, we're still just starting.
Skype is easy enough to use so that people don't need to be tech savvy - a lot of users just want to communicate with their friends and family, and they find this is the easiest, cheapest way.
When we started Skype, if you look at analyst reports, no one forecasted it as a big business. Also when Google started, it was not fashionable to be in search. It's not trying to do the obvious - that's the hard part.
When I started competing, you had to have your coach there. Now you can be coached from a home office via Skype or video. That's not the same as having them on the field with you.
When you're on a submarine you're usually underwater for months at a time, and you don't get to Skype or make phone calls. When you get messages, they're maybe two sentences. They're very short.
I think Facebook's dangerous. So many people I know get into trouble with Facebook... I'd rather just pick up the phone. Or Skype.
I think because Skype is becoming so much more prevalent, and you're looking at someone else on a screen, it's going to work its way into movies and TV shows in all different ways, which I think is really cool.
A friend and I started a band together. I am kind of learning how to play instruments. We write stuff over Skype or e-mail. I send one part and he writes another.
I'm very comfortable with tweeting, I have a very active author Facebook page, I Skype book clubs all over the world.
Angry Birds is one of the fastest-growing online products I've seen, growing even faster than Skype, and the company has done a brilliant job of extending it across different platforms and merchandise.
Every day at Skype, I am able to connect with employees from around the world and engage with them on a level that just is not possible through a conference call or email.
The Internet Treasure companies tend to go public rather than get acquired, although there are clear exceptions, like Instagram, YouTube, Skype and PayPal.
Manusia bisa saja bertemu dalam jejaring sosial, bercakap dan bertatapan dengan menggunakan skype, YM, atau apapun, tapi semua itu tidak bisa mengalahkan sebuah pelukan.