Do you mind if I sit back a little? Because your breath is very bad.
Violence is avoided, when we sit down with others, and discuss issues, and work together for solutions.
I'm not going to sit here now and say 'do this,' or 'do that.' But you must - must - expunge any vestige of racism.
You can't make footprints in the sand of time if you're sitting on your butt, and who wants to make buttprints in the sand of time?
You can't make footprints in the sands of time if you're sitting on your butt. And who wants to make buttprints in the sands of time?
All human evil comes from a single cause, man's inability to sit still in a room.
I have discovered that all human evil comes from this, man's being unable to sit still in a room.
Somebody has to stand when other people are sitting. Somebody has to speak when other people are quiet.
A woman's place in public is to sit beside her husband, be silent, and be sure her hat is on straight.
You throw batting practice, you warm up pitchers, you sit and cheer. You do whatever you have to do to stay on the team.
The most important thing is that Milosevic agreed to sit at the negotiating table with the Kosovo Albanians.
I don't really read too much. It really is counter to my energy. I can't sit down and concentrate on words.
The worst way to miss someone is to have them sitting right next to you and know you can never have them.
From childhood on, I did sit in the courtroom watching my father argue cases and talk to juries.
Sit in reverie and watch the changing color of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind.
Gamers always believe that an epic win is possible and that it's always worth trying, and trying now. Gamers don't sit around.
When I sit down to write a song, I really want the message of healing to thrive and transcend all ages.
Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
I write in longhand. I am accustomed to that proximity, that feel of writing. Then I sit down and type.
I like surfing in Mexico a whole lot better than sitting with people in Washington that I don't even like.
There is no way the American public will sit still for the banning of or putting any significant restrictions on the kinds of guns they want.