I originally passed on 'Girls' because I thought TV was evil.
Never underestimate the power of thought.
I tried. But not everybody thought so.
There can be no wise politics without thought beforehand.
Idealism is the despot of thought, just as politics is the despot of will.
I never thought I was much of an actor anyway.
I don't want to be a memory, I want to be a thought
how much does a thought weigh?
Beware thoughts that come in the night.
The eyesight for an eagle is what thought is to a man.
I always wanted to live to about 70. I thought that'd be a good age.
Your thoughts and emotions are yours alone.
Architecture is the thoughtful making of space.
I always thought of words as art supplies.
I thought art was a verb, rather than a noun.
It's a mind, it works by metaphor.
Joy is a choice, not an outcome.
I'll write while I'm breathing.
Count the deed, not the thought.
Happiness is being emerged in thoughts of you.
Study the best and highest things that are; but of yourself humble thoughts retain.