Perfect... as it was, it had to be, and little dreams were spinning madly as a flock of birds mid-flight, the single vision of a single moment, a single moment, frozen in time no more. No more did he need, to understand that it was better than any he...
It's not about who you sleep with, or whether you know about sports or tools or have a pearl-wearing wife or whether commercials make you cry. [...] it's about whether you step up. When something hard comes along. A man steps up. He doesn't dodge it ...
My plans for this day are simple: Step one accomplished, I woke up. Now take a moment to be thankful for my gift. The gift of another chance. I have been blessed to have another day with my loved ones and the people I care about. Next step, Choose to...
He who steps aside for someone broadens the way.
Never step over one duty to perform another.
Who stumbles without falling makes a bigger step.
Nine gamblers could not feed a single rooster.
Fret not where the road will take you. Instead concentrate on the first step. That's the hardest part and that's what you are responsible for. Once you take that step let everything do what it naturally does and the rest will follow. Do not go with t...
Learning to trust God when He says “no” is a very important step in handling rejection. This is because God's character is not only seen in what He does, but in what He does not do.
Whenever, wherever, however You want me, I'll go. And I'll begin this very minute. Lord, as I stand up from this place, and as I take my first step forward, will You consider this is a step toward complete obedience to You? I'll call it the step of y...
The Holy Spirit’s desire is that we become more and more dependent upon Him for every step. That’s because He wants to take us to places we’ve never been before. To heights we can’t even imagine!
Procrastination is the foundation of all disasters.
The moments of peace in between the mental practices are meditation.
Missional leaders are comfortable in the own skin.
The first step towards mastering time is always to make time meaningless
The 12-step chocoholics program: Never be more than 12 steps away from chocolate!
The first step to stringing the boss up from a lamppost is saying the boss is a moron.
KISS Procrastination Away: Keep It Super Simple, Keep It Step-by-Step, Keep It Scheduled and Systematic.
Before you are beginning your first step, let's pray first.
The whole experience of 'Eastbound' has been completely unexpected and super-surprising every step of the way.
God is ever present. He's in every breath, in every step. He's here, always, always.