A single wire hanger on a nail by itself Isn't bad though a stack of them on a floor Is too gloomy for words.
Over 7 million people on this earth and only a single reality? Nothing realistic about that. Open your minds.
If the right to privacy means anything, it is the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion.
I am in earnest - I will not equivocate - I will not excuse - I will not retreat a single inch - and I will be heard!
Christ imparts the capacity of conquest to our lives every single day that we are willing to believe Him.
In the confusion we stay with each other, happy to be together, speaking without uttering a single word.
I don't want to put 12 singles on an album. I want to make a story, a little movie.
I am the center of attention in my job every single day; the thought of a wedding to me is exhausting. Why would I put myself through that?
I don't know any other columnists, and I don't know what they do. I work the single! And nobody does what I do, anyway.
I don't see a benefit in accepting every single little morsel of work that comes along because I think, in essence, what you're doing is you're raping yourself really.
Pairs skating and singles are two different things. Although some skaters have achieved this successfully, it is a very difficult transition. You're looking at double work.
I'm married to my job. I'm obsessed with my work, and I run myself into the ground every single day. Unfortunately, a lot of other pursuits have to take a back seat.
Most single women have been in that situation where there is a silent guy in your group. You don't see him as boyfriend material. He's just there, but you know all the same people.
According to various polls conducted, the single most important issue in last week's election was not the Iraq War, not the War on Terror, not even the economy. It was the cultural war.
No one will deny that the excessive use of alcohol and alcoholic beverages would do more than any other single factor to make impossible a total war effort.
Why should one think thay are okay mentally? Making a study of ourselves is the best solution to our society.Our minds are so complex and if we don't have an avenue to explore, we just cough it up as it is just who I am...However, it is just half of ...
Práce s duší není snadná. Obvykle nás přivádí na taková místa, jejichž návštěvu bychom si raději odpustili, a probouzí takové pocity, o které nejméně stojíme. Nejcennější cesta může být také tou nejobtížnější. Není ...
O Lord, I have been talking to the people; Thought's wheels have round me whirled a fiery zone And the recoil of my word's airy ripple My heart unheedful has puffed up and blown. Therefore I cast myself before thee prone: Lay cool hands on my burning...
Perhaps soul mates don’t exist, I thought. Maybe they were only a way to get over a loss that couldn’t be forgotten, a way to mend a heart that was unredeemable—an aberrant remedy that dissolved long before the healing began. A way to love a nu...
Sometimes callers from a distance invade my solitude, and it is on these occasions that I realize how absolutely alone each individual is, and how far away from his neighbour; and while they talk (generally about babies, past, present, and to come), ...
The moment they met, Simon had decided that if looks matched personalities, Jon Cartwright would look like a horse's ass. Unfortunately, there is no justice in the world, and he looked instead like a walking Ken doll. Sometimes first impressions were...