My parents were very supportive of me and my artistic endeavours. My father and mother came to every school play I ever did.
I think I'm an okay parent, but I'd put myself in the category of a musician-who-happened-to-become-a-father. I'm definitely not a father-who-happened-to-be-a-musician.
I remember when I was a kid, with the acting thing, I resented it because, you know, you don't want to do what your parents want you to do.
I think our job as parents is to give our kids roots to grow and wings to fly. Deborah Norville
And as she held me, I suddenly realized that my lifelong search for love and acceptance had finally ended in the arms of a foster parent.
I was very much a product of the public-school system. There was only one other kid in my class who had parents not involved in the stock market or law.
I was raised by parents who really admired the religious leaders of the left, as many 60s and 70s liberals did.
I'm the kind of parent who asks my kids questions like, 'What would be your ideal thing to do in the summer?'
Frankly, right is right and wrong is wrong, particularly when a parent is talking to a child. A bright line around moral responsibility is very important.
Some spiritually alert parents hold early-morning devotionals with their families in their homes. They have a hymn, prayer, and then read and discuss the Book of Mormon.
When parents neglect their responsibility to correct and discipline their children society suffers. The results are crimes and harm committed against others.
down with hell and heaven and all the religious fuss infinity pleased our parents one inch looks good to us
For all that being a parent is normal statistically, it's not normal psychologically. It produces some of the most extreme emotions you'll ever have.
Every parent has those moments where they look at their child and think, 'There's a demon in those eyes and no one can see it but me!'
I shall lend credit to nothing against my people which parents would not believe against their own children.
A lot of parents ask me how to get kids to eat more vegetables. The first thing I say is that it starts from the top.
I would teach U.K. parents how to stop their children throwing litter. London is a beautiful city but its streets are disgusting.
When they asked Jack Benny to do something for the Actor's Orphanage - he shot both his parents and moved in.
If parents were as concerened about raising their children as they are about the outcome of their sitcom or sports game, this nation would thrive.
I had a hard-scrabble childhood with my parents. I have a lot of baggage. To come down to the footlights and accept the audience's affection inside a Broadway theater - that didn't come easily to me.
Part of our responsibility as parents, as adults, is to set examples for children. But we have to like children in order to be really happy fulfilled adults.