Envy, like the worm, never runs but to the fairest fruit; like a cunning bloodhound, it singles out the fattest deer in the flock.
I'm the same guy at that podium preaching to the people on every single song. I'm not doing a dance for you on another song. It's all a direct assault.
The reality is that every single person is individual and special. There has never been and will never be another person on the Earth like you!
A collective tyrant, spread over the length and breadth of the land, is no more acceptable than a single tyrant ensconced on his throne.
I want you out in the hallway, against the far wall in single file, ready to move, in fifteen. Drop your fartsack, Ratliff.
Nerds get caught up in minutiae, because there is a tremendous and fulfilling sense of control in understanding every single detail of a thing more than any other living creature.
Advertising has done more to cause the social unrest of the 20th century than any other single factor.
Why get married and make one man miserable when I can stay single and make thousands miserable?
The fact is that more people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, that my friends, that is true perversion!
If you think about it, every single species is endangered. Homo sapiens at the front of the line, mosquitoes and lawyers at the back.
It took putting one foot in front of the other every single day to get through it to the point where I made it back on the team and won a gold medal in 2008.
Then it is not uncommon for a man to become lost in a single letter, or hear a voice rise up from the silent page.
I was wedded to all the stars of the sky.There was not a single star left, and I married every one of them with great spiritual pleasure. Then I married the moon.
A single day in my own shoe that is comfortable for me is better than 365 days in someone else's shoes that does not fit me at all.
Originality is not seen in single words or even in sentences. Originality is the sum total of a man's thinking or his writing.
I have every single Ferrari that came out. I have all the Mercedes they came out with, all the Jaguars they came out with, all the Porsches they came out with.
The Mind that lies fallow but a single Day, sprouts up in Follies that are only to be killed by a constant and assiduous Culture.
I have such admiration for single mothers. I simply don't comprehend how you'd cope with that intensity, the lack of breaks, ever, on your own.
El Salvador is a democracy so it's not surprising that there are many voices to be heard here. Yet in my conversations with Salvadorans... I have heard a single voice.
It was important to me to find a label that wouldn't back out after a first single. Everyone's so used to hearing me with Hootie, they're going to be skeptical.
'Friends', even though it was the longest single job I've had, still to me at the end of the day, when it was over it was a job.