Sweetheart, I remember every second from the first moment I laid eyes on you and I’ve been trying to get my world upright ever since.
Ever since her obsession with Jonathan Cain, a deranged transfer student who had been at Sweet Valley for a month, Enid’s life had been entirely guyless.
Since my arrival in Rome, I have had many opportunities to wonder if compassion’s opposite is cruelty, or to reflect whether or not indifference would serve as a better black to its white.
Limitations gone: Since my mind fixed on the moon, Clarity and serenity Make something for which There's no end in sight.
I was in a tailspin of confusion I hadn't experienced since the first time I heard George W. Bush speak.
How long have you been going?' said Vimes, selecting a pie. ‘Let’s see…what year is this?’ ‘Er…Dancing Dog, I think.’ ‘Since Tuesday, then,’ said Dibbler.
I've given up reading the papers. Since the world's so obviously bent on killing itself, I decided months ago to sit back and let it.
Darling, whose book is this to be?" "Ostensibly yours, my sweet" "I see -- rather like my life since I met you?" "Yes darling
I have always considered "Pascal's Wager" a questionable bet to place, since any God worth believing in would prefer an honest agnostic to a calculating hypocrite.
Verence would rather cut his own leg off than put a witch in prison, since it'd save trouble in the long run and probably be less painful.
...since I realized that he (Picasso) lived in a self-enclosed world and that his solitude was therefore total, I wanted to explore my own solitude.
We go to the past to lay the blame - since the past can't argue. We go to our past selves to account for our present miseries.
Her heart fluttered. It had only been a few hours, but it felt like a lifetime since she saw him last. She seriously felt addicted to that boy.
Most of the girls I've met since moving here have failed to ignite any modicum of enduring interest. Of course, I've dated; I'm seventeen years old and as horny as the next guy.
She'd secretly had a crush on him since they were twelve years old. Last summer, she'd fallen for him hard.
Cheer up everyone," he said, a new brightness to his voice. "Since we’re all going to die horribly anyway, what’s there to be worried about?
Been under treatment for PTSD and bipolar since 1992. I’m not ashamed of my illness. I’ve been shunned by many and I feel for those shunned, too.
Ever since Sincere died, I’ve been meaning to have meaning. Her love was the one thing that made me want to do other things, and without it I’m thingless.
It’d been a long time since they’d been together, but as close as they were physically, they’d never been so far apart in every other way.
And since when is stealing people's possessions the call of God? you are all hypocrites who have suddenly come into power, and you don't know how to handle it
Since she moved in, Carter found himself in the mood for a lot of things he hadn't been before. Crispy salmon wasn't one of them.