Since defeat in the Struggle must always be envisaged, the preparation of one's own successors is as important as what one does for victory.
I admire Shakespeare enormously. But since I can’t be him, I’m glad that his marriage was unhappy and he’s dead.
In some situations, no one has courage to challenge the reason. Since faith causes the reasoning to evaporate.
I have long since chosen him for my only good, my all; my pleasure, my happiness in this world as in the world to come... -Susanna Wesley
There are some things you cannot explain to anyone, even whey they have been explained to you, over and over, almost since the day you were born.
Everytime I hold you is the last time I hold you, I've known that since the very first time.
He felt, and not for the first time today, that he had not made a good decision in his personal or professional life since 1989.
Criticism involves taking a position, Mr. Day. How long has it been since you took a considered position on anything important?
Since the state must necessarily provide subsistence for the criminal poor while undergoing punishment, not to do the same for the poor who have not offended is to give a premium on crime.
Since evil is nothing positive, there can be no principle of evil. It has no meaning expect in reference to something good.
My goal is to have the most and the best of what I desire. And since I desire clones, I have to be the best me first.
It’s spring now, and I was just thinking that I haven’t been in love since the fall. The fall of the Roman Empire.
I like watching people stretch in the park. It's my new favorite pastime since I bought a portable rack.
He has one of the worst personalities. Actually, you can’t call it a personality, since he acts more like an animal than a person.
Ten years have gone by since the ten year anniversary, and I still remember it like it happened a decade ago.
That was Hunter,' said Quinn as his father's footsteps faded away. 'I figured. Since he said to call him Hunter and everything.
Since the human mind is the primary weapon of the human being, it is also therefore the primary and most significant instrument of violence.
Since so much of this music bubbled up urgently from my subconsious mind, I'm left to interpret it much like anyone else.
I always wondered why I didn't try to seduce you, since you're so good-looking, more appealing than any woman.
Are you a communist?" "No I am an anti-fascist" "For a long time?" "Since I have understood fascism.
Since taking are of one small baby is the hardest job on earth, I am constantly late, as I am today.