The market is incredibly inefficient and capable on rare occasions of being utterly dysfunctional. And people have a really hard time getting their brain around that fact. They want to believe that it's approximately efficient almost all the time, an...
May Morrison: You'll simply never understand the true nature of sacrifice.
Of the billionaires I have known, money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars.
I am totally in favour of reform - but it must be reform that changes the nature of British politics, not simply the makeup or operation of parliament.
Dealing with poetry is a daunting task, simply because the reason one does it as an editor at all is because one is constantly coming to terms with one's own understanding of how to understand the world.
The difference between religion and morality lies simply in the classical division of things into the divine and the human, if one only interprets this correctly.
I believe a relationship with a country is simply bound to the interests of two countries and not by personal issues.
I also assume that they are not simply the physical properties of things as now conceived by physical science. Instead, they are ecological, in the sense that they are properties of the environment relative to an animal.
Science means simply the aggregate of all the recipes that are always successful. All the rest is literature.
There's a false perception that women in Africa somehow don't love their babies they way we do, don't grieve their loss the way we would. That is simply not true.
I'm really confident. I had a perfect childhood. I had perfect parents and grandparents. They just love me, simply. So I have no fears.
I love being the bad guy, simply because I was always so responsible, so predictable growing up.
But, of course, one relies on the everyday people who just simply like your music, for whom you may not be a hobby but they enjoy being in your presence at a concert.
Napster hijacked our music without asking. They never sought our permission. Our catalog of music simply became available as free downloads on the Napster system.
Music makes or breaks an atmosphere. It helps to create the mood and also is a very important aural cue; simply shut off the music when you want people to leave.
My first two records are so simply constructed. The reason isn't because I wanted to make simple music. It's because I don't really have the chops.
For centuries, the question of men needing to comprehend women simply didn't arise. Men were valued according to how they measured up to the manly virtues.
Besides writing music and surfing, I like to simply chill with my friends. Watching movies and going out to eat are often my prime choices for a day off.
Dr. Floyd: I'm sorry, I'm simply not at liberty to say.
I'm simply trying to tell the truth about human behaviour as I see it.
A book is simply the container of an idea like a bottle; what is inside the book is what matters.