[having just sung the words "Love is all around me" instead of "Christmas is all around me" yet again] Billy Mack: Oh! Fuck wank bugger shitting arse head and hole!
Laura Hunt: [Explaining why she broke a promise] You forced me to give you my word. I never have been and I never will be bound by anything I don't do of my own free will.
Gandalf: [to Grima] Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I did not pass through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm.
Johnny Caspar: I'm talkin' about friendship. I'm talkin' about character. I'm talkin' about - hell. Leo, I ain't embarrassed to use the word - I'm talkin' about ethics.
Harry: I can give you the ten commandments in ten words: "Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't."
George Banks: [singing] These silly words, like... [speaks and stammers] George Banks: Superca... superca... superca... Mary Poppins: Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious. George Banks: Yes, well done! You said it!
Mrs. Banks: But you're always saying that you wanted a cheerful and pleasant household. Mr. Banks: Winifred, I should like to make a slight differentiation between the word cheerful and just plain giddy irresponsibility.
[last lines] Jim Stark: Mom. Dad. This is Judy. She's my friend. Mrs. Carol Stark: He's... [Frank speaks, overlapping so their words become unintelligible]
Doctor: Raymond, do you know what autistic is? Raymond: Yeah. Doctor: You know that word? Raymond: Yeah. Doctor: Are you autistic? Raymond: I don't think so. No. Definitely not.
Dudley Heinsbergen: You wanna play some word games, or do some experiments on me or anything? Raleigh: [lying on the couch, depressed after hearing about Margot's adultery] No.
Joe Gillis: I didn't know you were planning a comeback. Norma Desmond: I hate that word. It's a return, a return to the millions of people who have never forgiven me for deserting the screen.
Liz: You hang out with my friends? Sorry, a failed actress and a twat? Shaun: Well, that's a bit harsh. Liz: Your words! Shaun: I did NOT call Dianne a failed actress!
[filming a scene with a microphone hidden in a bush] Rosco: Lina! We're missing every other word! You've got to talk into the mike! Lina: [pointing at the bush] Well, I can't make love to a bush!
Marianne: Did you see him? He expressed himself well, did he not? Mrs. Dashwood: With great decorum and honour. Marianne: And spirit and wit and feeling! Elinor: And economy - ten words at most.
Nick Naylor: Gentlemen, practice these words in front of the mirror: Although we are constantly exploring the subject, currently there is no direct evidence that links cell phone usage to brain cancer.
Elvira Stitt: [shocked at some obscenities Jane has scrawled] I can't remember the last time I saw words like that written down!
Other than that one year, Salon has been very cautious about the way it spends money. For instance, since last year, we've had virtually no marketing budget. It's just word of mouth. And our circulation continues to grow that way by breaking news sto...
Social enables word of mouth at an unprecedented scale. Its most powerful effect, through reviews and recommendations, is to put product quality and value for money as the key to success in commerce. Social brings a level of transparency that prevent...
The reason they don't make movies for adults and for people which are the largest bulge of the population is because they are not usually going to the movie the first weekend. They take a while to learn about it, probably word of mouth. It takes a lo...
The unending chase for money, I believe, threatens to steal our democracy itself. I've used the word 'corrupting,' and I want to be very clear about it: I mean by it not the corruption of individuals, but a corruption of a system itself that all of u...
I think the word 'soul' - it depends on what you define by 'soul.' If you're defining it as a mystical aura that is outside the body, I cannot measure that. If you're talking about soul as human nature, the rank of spectrum of behaviors and reactions...