There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion.
A convention was drawn up on June 17, 1925, in which the principle of supervision, as opposed to that of simple propaganda, was recognized, thanks to the efforts of the labour members, of whom I was one.
Meditation doesn't have to be complicated. What I do is about as simple as you can get. You could just count the beads, one, two, three, with your eyes closed or open, whatever makes you happy.
One of these days some simple soul will pick up the book of God, read it, and believe it. Then the rest of us will be embarrassed.
At Wal-Mart, if you couldn't explain an idea or a concept in simple terms on one page of paper Sam Walton considered the new idea too complicated to implement.
Article II of the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon was just the simple fact that he talked about and suggested the potential use of the IRS against one or two political opponents.
I see those pages as she goes back and forth, enjoying simply enjoying the beauties of the moments then chastising herself for having ‘no edge’ being simple and worse, harmless.
A joke is a good camouflage. Next best comes sentiment... But the best camouflage of all - in my opinion - is the plain and simple truth. Because nobody ever believes it.
Spending moments with another in earnest presence is one of the simple ways we can show unconditional love. It is the memories created from these impressions that survive after all else passes.
Among the many answers I have found, I believe love is the most beautiful and simple art that reflects the beauty of life.
I still do not understand why some people think they mean nothing to anyone; while their simple smile gives unlimited reasons for others to live.
The simple fact is that neither an efficiently successful HOW nor a compelling persuasive WHY is sufficient on its own..without the other to bring about impactful sustainable improvement.
By simple mathematics giving is key to the world you seek to live in. If I take I alone gain. If I give or share then two at least are enriched.
Why, for example, should a group of simple, stable compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen struggle for billions of years to organise themselves into a professor of chemistry? What's the motive?
Ah! That glance of yours did some magic on me, you were not aware of. For once I died and was reborn. To put it simple you did (CRL+ALT+DELETE) to my mind!
Mr. Speaker, I once again find myself compelled to vote against the annual budget resolution for a very simple reason: it makes government bigger.
Advertising is, actually, a simple phenomenon in terms of economics. It is merely a substitute for a personal sales force - an extension, if you will, of the merchant who cries aloud his wares.
There's two wolves battling us all right now... One's good, the other one is evil. If you're wondering which wolf inside will succeed, simple it's the one that you feed...
I can juggle, not well... I can balance a broom on my chin. I can do very simple carny tricks, a little sleight of hand with cards and coins.
People run their lives in many ways - peaceful, scary, fashionable, complicated or simple. Point is, everyone has the opportunity to do it right or wrong and the chance to be grateful or ask for forgiveness.
É completamente estúpido escrever cartas de amor, não pode ser transcrito através de uma simples carta, mas o que fazer quando este horrível oceano nos separa do homem que amamos?