The only process you've mastered is the process of elimination, and the only reason you've mastered that is because you can do it in the toilet.
4. Ditties of Life – 4.39 HUMANITY & DIVINITY When you lose reasoning you forget humanity, When you forget laughter you lose Divinity. [222] – 4
There is a reason they call God a presence - because God is right here, right now. In the present is the only place to find Him, and now is the only time.
She had always wanted words, she loved them; grew up on them. Words gave her clarity, brought reason, shape.
In our reasonings concerning matter of fact, there are all imaginable degrees of assurance, from the highest certainty to the lowest species of moral evidence. .
Now I understand that one of the important reasons for going to college and getting an education is to learn that the things you've believed in all your life aren't true, and that nothing is what it appears to be.
The only reason guys wanna play pool with girls is to see you leaning over the table, looking sexy. Not that I wouldn't enjoy that... immensely." - Chris
This isn't a reasoned response to a configuration of stars, but the heart cannot flourish on logic alone. Unreason is an essential medicine as long as you don't overdose
Nobody wants to look like a fool. Nine times out of ten, that reason alone keeps people from allowing themselves to believe.
[...]my memory is reasonably good—unlike yours, dear sir!” “Mine is erratic,” he said imperturbably. “I remember only what interests me.
And fetch some straw. We’ll put it between us and the ground. No reason we shouldn’t sleep soft tonight.” “Straw. I love luxury.
The only reason pain exists is because we let it feed on us and that gives it the power to continue existing (I.R.V)
The stars here and the ones there are each special for their own reason. You grew up looking at these, while I looked at mine. Now we’ve both looked at each of them together.
And it occurs to me that maybe the reason my mother was so exhausted all the time wasn’t because she was doing so much but because she was feeling so much.
They had spent a year in France for no particular reason, and then drifted here and there unrestfully wherever people played polo and were rich together.
Isn’t it obvious, Sage? No, of course it isn’t. I did it so I’d have a reason to be around you — one I knew you couldn’t refuse.
Certainly, it is more reasonable to devote one's life to women than to postage stamps, old snuff-boxes, or even to paintings and statues.
When our patterns are threatened by new facts, reason is seldom the victor: 'I know what I think, so don't go confusing me with new opinions.
Fear," the doctor said, "is the relinquishment of logic, the willing relinquishing of reasonable patterns. We yield to it or we fight it, but we cannot meet it halfway.
[R]evolutions of government cannot be effected by the mere force of argument and reasoning;
Some of the imperfections will be visible, but this house has been here a long time. I see no reason to cover up the dings and scars. We've all got 'em.