The reasons that center on others are easy to manipulate. All hollow things are light.
Girl With Curious HairYou do not realize what can happen when you liberate a mind from what society calls reason.
Gods on the MountainMy disadvantages will tire him as they would any reasonable man of small expectations." - Jane Adams
The GovernessReasonable things would never bring you joy as much as unreasonable ones do.
A Bucket full of Awesome...every woman has some reason to weep and weeping is sweetest when it is for another's sorrow.
The Bridge on the DrinaFor reasons that are not well understood, war's codes are safer for most of us than love's.
Both Flesh and Not: EssaysWhy tell me to be reasonable when you should be telling me to be courageous?" [Arlana to Dave in ]
The Battle for HalcyonYou know, Junpei, everything in the world has its reasons for doing what it does.
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman