Eons of suffering, brutality and struggle have paved the way through the corridors of time to create this moment, where you exist as an exalted expression of life.
When you are doing things for the right reasons, you do not need to play by the rules, because there are no rules for a creator walking the path of love.
Your intelligence is a fire that can illuminate any darkness. Awaken and let your mind burn so brightly! You are alive for a reason!
Spirituality is like a thin-thin thread, that if delicately followed guides us from darkness to light; from poverty to abundance and from destruction to safety.
Only when you decide to truly live can you be free of your fears, and only when you are free of your fears can you truly live.
Quitting a job can be like an exorcism where you cast out a demon. The demon is the foreign spirit who occupies you through your occupation.
The same numbness and disappointment every day sends some people looking for something tragic for proof of life.
Misery loves good company, so if you are surrounded with drama, gossip and fools you may want to consider that you are presently at risk of becoming one of them.
I kept taking one step forward and two back. Then I went all the way around backwards and arrived where I had dreamed of going.
When we can't let go of the past, painful moments accumulate in us; metastasizing in our consciousness like an emotional cancer.
Jesus may give you eternal life, but until then, your ass going to stay right were it is until you do something about it.
Good poetry does not exist merely for the sake of itself, but rather, is a byproduct of yearning and growth; great poetry canonizes that yearning for the growth of others.
If you can't be real and firm with others about who you are, you will be doomed to a phony, plastic bullshit existence, where you only live for others.
Have you forgotten what it feels like to be alive? The grace of life shining on you; each breath vitalizing you with possibility? Remember!
Any profession you engage in, no matter how profitable, unless it is truly helpful and good for others, is a crime against your soul, and the world.
During intellectual droughts one shower of good ideas can cause a flash-flood to wash away the roads your habits travel.
There is no greater path than the act of listening, because the observer who listens can begin to see themselves as a part of one expression of purpose and beingness.
Your past is like a bag of bricks; set it down and walk away. Quit collecting every painful word, memory and mistake. Collect hope.
So stretch! Reach for it. Like falling down stairs, where your inner-genius takes over and saves you — your instincts are ready to serve you.
When you keep explaining and rehashing you just keep your mistake alive. Learn your lesson and adjust your behavior and move forward.
Make your body your prized possession above all physical things. Spare no expense, re-prioritize and invest in your health.