By appreciation, we make excellence in others our own property.
Hug the shore; let others try the deep.
Anything that can be done chemically can be done by other means.
He who undervalues himself is justly undervalued by others.
Those who can command themselves command others.
The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves. (1778 - 1830)
Sometimes the crowd is the madness - at others it's the absence of the crowd that is.
A friend is one who walks in when others walk out.
The only drawback is once the work is done you rarely see each other.
Work grows out of other work, and there are very few eureka moments.
Raising a daughter is hard work. There's no other way to describe it for me.
It is an open secret that Jews do not work, but rather let others work for them.
To work to make the lives or others better is the most rewarding work of all.
You don't work on something for six years and be blind to the myriad of other approaches.
Having other comedians complimenting my work is the biggest accolade that I can get.
If any fall by the hand of violence, others will continue the blessed work.
I don't judge other people's work and I don't see enough of it either.
My wife and I try not to get into each other's work too much.
I don't think it's the case that 'posh actors' get more work than others.
Actors always think that others are getting more work than them. In my case, they usually are.
I also work with the regular orchestras in Munich, Germany and other similar orchestras.