There are a lot of other people that really play a significant role in helping you become an Olympian.
What the Olympics and other mega-events have shown is that the significant investment required to host an international games successfully has the power to transform a region, and even a nation.
Women tend to be preservers of the social structure, of marriage. They don't want to upset their husbands or their significant others. They don't want to hurt people.
If you make your best friend and your significant other the same person, you don't have to disconnect to go tell your girlfriend everything.
Inherently, department stores have significant advantages compared to all other retailers.
I want to see gay couples stuck with their significant other at Home Depot with that far away look in their eye, get me out of here.
I think one of the most important things in a relationship is caring for your significant other through good times and bad.
It's a normal thing for people to do, going on Facebook and seeing pictures of their exes with their new significant others.
Romance is thinking about your significant other, when you are supposed to be thinking about something else.
Mourning is essential to uncoupling, as it is to any significant leavetaking. Uncoupling is a transition into a different lifestyle, a change of life course which, whether we recognize and admit it in the early phases or not, is going to be made with...
But if you really learn how to pay attention, then you will know there are other options. It will actually be within your power to experience a crowded, hot, slow, consumer-hell type situation as not only meaningful, but sacred, on fire with the same...
I think anyone who suffers from chronic pain can agree with this - you feel this great significance. What I wanted to capture was that significance, and as a matter of fact I think that's one of the lyrics on 'Conflict,' on the split. I touch on the ...
It's very different than it use to be. I think everybody has a lot more experience in how to be in a relationship - whether it's a marriage or a significant other or a business or a friend.
My significant other right now is myself, which is what happens when you suffer from multiple personality disorder and self-obsession.
At the time I was arrested I had no idea it would turn into this. It was just a day like any other day. The only thing that made it significant was that the masses of the people joined in.
We can all be successful and make money, but when we die, that ends. But when you are significant is when you help other people be successful. That lasts many a lifetime.
Significant change requires significant sacrifice.
Strong emotions create significant changes
Is there relationship insurance? You know, in case someone steals your significant other? If not, there should be.
Substantially fewer films will be produced over the next year or two. And a significant portion of the production costs of the reduced slate will be borne by hedge funds and other investment groups.
We can all make a difference in the lives of others in need, because it is the most simple of gestures that make the most significant of differences.