A fair and just society offers equality of opportunity to all. But it cannot promise, and should not try to enforce, sameness.
Today, with the way things are in all circles, in soccer, in society, in politics, where it seems anything goes, a gesture of honesty goes down well.
The pen is mightier than the sword, for by the sword are mortal battles waged, but by the pen entire cultures swayed, eternal societies arrayed, and souls of men saved.
...And talking of the dear family party which would then be restored, of their mutual pursuits and cheerful society, as the only happiness worth a wish.
We must rekindle the fire of idealism in our society, for nothing suffocates the promise of America more than unbounded cynicism and indifference.
Everyone in a decadent society, Lorrain urges, is guilty. Everyone loves masking murder and everyone takes masochistic pleasure in the risk of discovery and punishment.
Democracy is the menopause of Western society, the Grand Climacteric of the body social. Fascism is its middle-aged lust.
When parents neglect their responsibility to correct and discipline their children society suffers. The results are crimes and harm committed against others.
Our individualism has always been bound by a set of communal values, the glue upon which every healthy society depends.
Having knowledge of an unethical act and allowing it to continue can spread a contagion that can affect multiple beings in society
Societies cannot move forward without law, and our constitution is the cornerstone of the law and our National Assembly is its umbrella and fortress.
My interest in secret societies is the product of many experiences, some I can discuss, others I cannot.
Destruction is as valid an artistic statement as construction. Both statements echo the model of the society we live in. The only invalid art is utopian
Whereas the health of an individual depends on the ego's regular descent and return to and from the unconscious, a society's longevity depends on actual people journeying into the unknown and returning with ideas.
More humane societies are usually smaller, like the Scandinavian countries and Holland, where it is much easier to reach consensus and cooperation.
Religion became the evil of our society when it started to teach resentment and hate instead of unconditional love and wisdom.
If you want to understand what's most important to a society, don't examine its art or literature, simply look at its biggest buildings.
Human societies vary in lots of independent factors affecting their openness to innovation.
Society collapses when no two come together as one; however, when things do come together true beauty can occur.
In such a case, it would be almost sure of success, if the active members of a society established for that purpose, were inclined to meet the poor as men, as brethren, and as Christians.
There is no development strategy more beneficial to society as a whole - women and men alike - than the one which involves women as central players.