You know, sometimes even when two people love each other the universe still conspires against them, forces them apart.
Weak people believe what is forced on them. Strong people what they wish to believe, forcing that to be real.
Someone killed himself because of me once, Meredith said. People kill themselves because of what's inside of them, not because of other people.
You may say, But wasn't this the Sixties? Yes, but only for some people, only in certain parts of the country.
Gods don't like people not doing much work. People who aren't busy all the time might start to think.
Life is beautiful. Some people just remind you of that more than others.
Most people don't have real friends. You have people in your life waiting for opportunities to see what YOU can do for them.
People who love themselves, don’t hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer.
For some people, she thought, trials were only temporary; they sailed towards happiness through the roughest weather.
Creativity is a team sport.
A society needs famous people; the question is whom it chooses for that role. Any criticism of its choice is by implication a criticism of that society.
Some people are born to survive. No matter what comes their way, no matter how much pain is dealt them, they live." ~Mercy~
Successful people consistently put their best "self" forward.
I don't believe in guardian angels," Regine says seriously. "Just people who are there for you and people who aren't
A classroom . People trying to stick me in classrooms was becoming as predictable and annoying as people trying to kill me, but with less-fun results.
We're all free to chose some people to love, and then do it.
There’s not really such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ people, there’s just like…humanity. And it gets broken sometimes.
Without this flock, I would be worthless. Without the people in this flock, I'd be empty. Without the people who started this flock, I'd be dead.
The abbot cleared his throat. "You are all very stupid people," he told them graciously, "and you do not know anything at all.
Leaders are people who believe so passionately that they can seduce other people into sharing their dream.
Some people will tell you there is a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea.