People who think animals have expressionless faces are like people who can ignore an open package of Oreos. Not quite human.
People would come and people would go, I realized then, but music would be there until the end of time.
We get schooled by the people around us, and it stays inside us deep.
Professor, when people say such things after impossibility smacks them in the face, we call it denial
Never entertain anger. Great people do not become angry over unnecessary issues.
Your dreams get perfect assistant if it goes connecting with great people.
People inspire people. That’s the more reason why mentor-ship is a critical tool for dreams accomplishment.
We can’t always protect the people we care about, but we always care about the people we protect.
The beauty of this world where almost everyone was gone. If hell is other people, what is a world with almost no people in it?
Layla, sweetheart, you haven’t had the right experience and apparently were not with the right people.
Some people make a bad bed, they just have to lie in it.
Bad things happen to good people: The Jesus Christ Syndrome, I labeled it.
Music is to the soul what words are to the mind.
…for I look upon the Frasers to be about as unhappy as most other married people.
You won't be a wiser man if you always keep away from bad people or poor ones.
When people communicate deceit, it's called politics. When people communicate honesty, it's called art.
I already killed you once today, what does it take to teach some people?
Call it a personal foible. Some people are scared of spiders. I'm scared of immolation. Also spiders.
Healthy people can own their mistakes and, over time, move on.
In wartime people took action because of what they believed in. In peacetime people were driven by their private concerns.
The younger people with the ache of youth were eating all the cheese.