Today, there are many, many ways to entertain people in one single videogame. And the Internet has made it so easy for people to ask for clues.
Some people seem to overestimate the amount of nonsense I am willing to accept from them.
Sometimes you find your voice by trying to write like people, and sometimes you find it by trying to write unlike people.
People are always telling me that they've seen people reading my books on the subway, or the beach, or whenever.
It doesn't matter what people say or what the rules say or what you're supposed to do, you go after what's in your heart.
People in New York pay attention to national issues - a huge percentage of people.
The problem I have with making an intelligent statement is that some people then think it's not an isolated occurrence.
For me, and for many other people with disabilities, our status as disabled people is one of which we are fiercely proud.
You cannot change people but you can change the system so that people are not pushed into doing evil things.
Society wants to believe it can identify evil people, or bad or harmful people, but it's not practical. There are no stereotypes.
I think two people with strong points of view can appreciate each other even more.
Keeping young people away from Shakespeare is like removing a link to their humanness.
We need to accept the principle that sometimes poor people will die just because they are poor.
Sometimes the creating that we do is creating a platform that allows other creative people to pitch in.
One of the things about my ministry is that I have never branded myself as being above the people or superior to people.
I do think we're on the edge of a terrifying world, and that many young people know that but don't know how to talk about it.
The idea is not to please the most amount of people. Growing up in Versailles, the idea was to please the least amount of people.
Since Kate Middleton came around, some people think I'm related to her, but unfortunately, there's no connection.
People who have NO ambition to make a difference in this life should not interrupt the people who DO.
I am active in brain storming with our people, our strategists, in Thailand.
I'd rather make a show 100 people need to see, than a show that 1000 people want to see.