Half of seeming clever is keeping your mouth shut at the right times.
If she'd just kept her mouth shut, she would have been perfect, but no...
The more we narrow the definition of beauty, the more beauty we shut out of our lives.
I have this phobia: I don't like mirrors. And I don't watch myself on television. If anything comes on, I make them shut it off, or I leave the room.
I've been shut down, run down, talked about, dogged out, but that never stopped me from the being the true me that's here and will be here.
I wish they'd shut the gates, and let us play ball with no press and no fans.
If it were a choice between putting ads on Wikipedia or shutting down Wikipedia, we would then very reluctantly consider putting ads on Wikipedia.
It’s never pretty when you leave an abusive and controlling relationship. The warden always protests when the prison gets shut-down.
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. I think I made you up inside my head.
When the enemy is awake and around, don't ever shut your eyes even for a single second no matter how sweet and tempting the sleep.
Sometimes you have to stop thinking. Sometimes you shut down completely. I think that's true in any creative field.
Well, I don't think of myself as a feminist at all. As soon as we start labeling and categorizing ourselves and others, that's going to shut down the world.
The elderly are all someone's flesh and blood and we cannot just shut them in a cupboard and hand over the responsibility for taking care of them to the state.
If an Internet company steals content, they shut it down. And let me tell you, Apple France, Yahoo France or Google France, none of them have gone out of business.
In this business you break a leg and 150 other people are out of work while production is shut down. It's not like you were an accountant and could still work with your leg in a cast.
Technology has enabled government to have investigative and situational awareness on a scale and scope that were science fiction when the Stasi shut its doors.
I've always been active - outdoors, on the beach, playing - and so to go home and have to sit on my couch and relax... it's frustrating. Sometimes, you just have to really shut yourself down.
The recent history of Ukraine is replete with dead journalists, beaten journalists, news agencies being shut down, and politicians being injured or killed. Most are killed in mysterious auto accidents.
I loathe computers more and more, so I have one I can shut down and shelve like a book.
Acting advice is a bit like your parents teaching you how to drive a car. You know they're right, but you still kind of want them to shut up a bit.
I adapt to things quickly, including good things, which I wish I could shut off sometimes.