Political Correctness doesn't change us, it shuts us up.
The Chinese government sometimes shuts down the Internet and mobile services in specific areas where unrest occurs.
Our constituents did not send us to Washington to shut down the government. They sent us here to make it more accountable.
The one happiness is to shut one's door upon a little room, with a table before one, and to create; to create life in that isolation from life.
My dad was quiet, angry, shut down. So my thing is: I express everything that's there. I want to get it all out.
Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away.
The author must keep his mouth shut when his work starts to speak.
The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it.
It's a free country and I can keep my mouth shut whenever I want.
One of the most beneficial things I've ever learned is how to keep my mouth shut.
The best way to see Faith is to shut the eye of Reason.
Juno MacGuff: [dog barking] Geez, Banana! Shut your freakin' gob!
Walt Kowalski: [aims gun at thug] Shut your fuckin' face!
Jules: Shut the fuck up, fat man!
Scarlett Brighton: Kick his ass, Mark! Mark: Shut the FUCK up, Scarlett.
Patrick Bateman: [to drycleaner] If you don't shut your fucking mouth, I will kill you.
He who indulges in falsehood will find the paths of paradise shut to him.
I'd rather shut myself in a room for six months than act in a bad movie.
The media's power is frail. Without the people's support, it can be shut off with the ease of turning a light switch.
Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years.
Shut out all of your past except that which will help you weather your tomorrows.