The commonality between science and art is in trying to see profoundly - to develop strategies of seeing and showing.
Art knows neither doctrine nor idea; its nature is to show.
But where there is no art show, I would still be painting.
A garden is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow.
Emote. It's okay. It shows you are thinking and feeling.
But I tended not to date men who ever showed up for me.
Photographs shock insofar as they show something novel.
Rule Number Two, Monsignor. Do not show pity.
Remember, we show courage in many ways.
Everyone has an identity. One of their own, and one for show.
The first album was 99 percent hard core to show you I was the best rhymer in the world.
Sometimes the best way to make 'em laugh is to show 'em how you honestly feel.
The best date would have to be at a sporting event - it will show the guy what type of girl she is.
I'm one of those guys that's going to show up to the field and try my best.
Say what you will about him Ed Koch is still the best show in town.
I'm also working on a track for Howard Hewett, and a theme for a new NPR show.
The show has boundaries right now we're trying to widen them not break them.
The schedule of doing a live TV show every week is very difficult.
And Seinfeld is so quick: we crank out one show a week, and the hours are very reasonable.
Writing is a job: you must show up.
Now I'm going to put my eyelashes on and stretch my legs out and do a show.