Maybe you should say goodbye, Cal.' 'No.' 'It might be important.' 'It might make her die.
Before I DieBut can we, should we, let apprehensions about the future immobilize us in the present?
Broken Republic: Three EssaysOne should part from life as Ulysses parted from Nausicaa-- blessing it rather than in love with it.
Beyond Good and EvilWhy tell me to be reasonable when you should be telling me to be courageous?" [Arlana to Dave in ]
The Battle for HalcyonThis book is written with an open mind and it should be read with the same
Bright Moments - A Journey In The Human MindWe Are The Salt Of The Earth, We should Add Godly Flavour to People's Lives via Our Words
The Best OptionYou should be thankful for the journey of life. You only make this journey once in your life time.
Beautiful Quotes