I decided we should book ourselves, so I started booking the band.
Possibly, I should have been a jazz singer from the beginning.
I think you should only wear jewellery if it has a story behind it.
So easy to fall into a rut, isn't it? Why should ruts be so comfortable and so unpopular?
It's wrong for parents to bury their children. It should be the other way around.
I might wear my pink Speedo. I think I should.
Everyone has baggage, maybe we should help each other carry it.
A conductor should guide rather than command.
Desire should be allowed to roam freely. The range is endless .
A woman should soften but not weaken a man.
I think that an artist should be a skilled craftsman.
Melancholy, indeed, should be diverted by every means but drinking.
No human should mislead another by promising them something they know to be untrue.
Free trade should not mean free labor.
You should see my house. It's sort of explosive. Like a crazy person lives there.
I've been married three times, really I should only have been married once.
Just because you can afford it doesn't mean you should buy it.
I think that Hiphop should be a pulpit for the people.
I think musicians should stay off television generally.
They used to photograph Shirley Temple through gauze. They should photograph me through linoleum.