...tethered to the ground by quotidian conversation. ... the window rosy with anemic November light.
The $60,000 Dog: My Life with AnimalsMy advice for a person who's just fallen out of a skyscraper window is, Flap your arms...faster.
It Occurred to MeChange is coming, she whispered to the bugs bouncing off her window. You can’t escape it.
Itsy's UglyStop looking at the walls, look out the window.
The Ricky Gervais Show - First, Second and Third SeasonsThere are no windows within the dark house of depression through which to see others, only mirrors.
Swing Low: A Lifethe poet I saw once... but whose words have long been in my mind, windows of invincible candles...
The Neverfield: PoemIt was a small room with dim light coming in the window, reminiscent of old Polish films.
Norwegian WoodThings changed, people changed, and the world went rolling along right outside the window.
Message in a BottleCats are geniuses, because they know that looking out windows is better than watching Reality TV.
Sleepwalking is resterciseOn the misty window of her room, she let her finger trace a broken line. She was that line.
Tehran Moonlight