I'm named after my father, Rudolph," he said, then shot her a stern look. "But if you connect that with my red nose --
Great. He had a ranch with no power, a burgeoning blizzard, animals depending on him and now, a frightened, felonious elf to look after.
Consider yourself warned, Frankie. Something about these mountains convinces previously sane women to give up Starbucks for saddle sores.
Really the only time men and women get along is when women want sex.
Sheriff Hartwell: Please don't call me 'Pinky'. Murphy: Why not? Sheriff Hartwell: Because I got a name, see... and it's Peter B. Hartwell. McCue, reporter: What's the "B" for? Murphy: Bull.
Alfred: What is he wanted for, Sheriff? John T. O'Banion: That would be of a private nature Colonel Ludlow: A private nature? That's a public office you hold, isn't it, Sheriff?
Kit Carruthers: [the Sheriff has just grabbed the hat right off Kit's head and thrown it out the window of the police car] You tossed my hat out the window. Sheriff: Want to sue me? Kit Carruthers: No.
She tossed a handful of snow at his face, then shrieked as the wind whipped it back into her own. Red hooted. "Karma's a boomerang, sweetheart. Don't forget it.
Once in rur-al Flathead coun-ty Stood a cru-wel Christmas scene Dumped for slaugh-ter were the rein-deer When an elf did intervene.
[inside Myers' house] Dr. Sam Loomis: Hey... What is that? Sheriff Leigh Brackett: A dog. [Loomis and Brackett walk next to dog] Sheriff Leigh Brackett: It's still warm. Dr. Sam Loomis: He got hungry.
Sam Loomis: You mean the old woman I saw tonight wasn't Mrs. Bates? Sheriff Al Chambers: Now wait a minute, Sam, are you *sure* you saw an old woman? Sam Loomis: Yes! In the house behind the motel! I called and I pounded, but she just ignored me! She...
Sheriff: Why do you go hanging out with guys, you being a girl yourself? Why do you go around kissing every girl? Brandon: I... don't see what this has to do with what had happened. Sheriff: I'm asking you all these so that when I speak to the jury, ...
Consider me your rescuer, not your jailer," he said to Frankie, without looking at her. His gut told him that, on the criminal mastermind scale, this one landed closer to Tinker Bell than Lizzie Borden.
Brunch is such an odd thing. It was created by fat, lazy people who were too lazy to wake up at a reasonable hour and too fat to wait until the next proper time for dining.
Tuco: [tied up and laying on the porch of the sheriff's office, after being dumped there by Blondie as he walks in to collect his bounty money... then, the sheriff walk out] Who the hell is that? One bastard goes in, another comes out!
Bob Ewell: I'm real sorry they picked you to defend that nigger that raped my Mayella. I don't know why I didn't kill him myself instead of goin' to the sheriff. That would have saved you and the sheriff and the taxpayers lots of trouble...
High Sheriff of Nottingham: I hope our little golden hook will catch the fish. Prince John: You hope? High Sheriff of Nottingham: Oh it will... if he's here. Prince John: If he's not we'll stick your head upon the target and shoot at that.
I hope you brought your handcuffs," she added. "I won't go quietly." "I might use them anyway, for fun," he answered, remembering the sensation of her warm lips against his.
The less one knows about meat, the more one is able to enjoy it. Meat tastes wonderful, of course, but as with the lad hawking hard-to-find wares at unbelievable prices, it’s best not to ask too many questions.
When Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio cracked down on illegal immigration without getting permission from Obama, they threatened to revoke his 287(g) status. When Sheriff Joe refused to balk, they filed suit against him with a frivolous civ...
Sheriff of Nottingham: It smarts, don't it, Otto? But Prince John says if taxes should hurt. Friar Tuck: [shouts] Now, see here, you evil, flint-hearted. Sheriff of Nottingham: Now, now, now, now! Save your sermin, preacher. It ain't Sunday, you know...