Margaret Campbell: You're an honor student. If you transfer to Mrs. Gruwell's class, think how that'll reflect on your records. Victoria: It doesn't matter to me, my grades will still be the same. Look, Ms. Campbell, when I first transferred to this ...
[a brawl takes place between Drax and Rocket] Drax the Destroyer: This vermin speaks of affairs he knows nothing about! Rocket Raccoon: That is true! Drax the Destroyer: He has no respect! Rocket Raccoon: That is also true! Keep callin' me vermin tou...
Kay Corleone: Oh, Michael. Michael, you are blind. It wasn't a miscarriage. It was an abortion. An abortion, Michael. Just like our marriage is an abortion. Something that's unholy and evil. I didn't want your son, Michael! I wouldn't bring another o...
Ron Weasley: You don't know why I listen to the radio, do you? To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name. Or Fred, or George, or Mum. Harry Potter: You think I'm not listening too? You think I don't know how this feels? Ron Weasley: No, you *don't* know...
Eret: [approaches Hiccup after he saves Berk] That was some pretty fine dragon-wrangling back there. You'd make a good trapper. [Skullcrusher nudges him playfully] Eret: Whoa! [He chuckles] Hiccup: You know, Skullcrusher's gonna need somebody to look...
[Pauline is spending the Easter holiday with the Hulmes. Hilda Hulme, brushing Pauline's hair into an attractive shag, listens while Juliet describes more of the story that they've been devising] Juliet Hulme: Mummy, Paul and I have decided that Char...
Dash: She would be eating if we were having Tony loaf. Violet: That's it! [jumps at Dash] Helen: Both of you sit down! [Dash runs around the table, hitting Violet as he passes her, until Violet makes a force field to stop him] Dash: Hey! No force fie...
O-Ren Ishii: [after she cuts off Tanaka's head, in Japanese] So you all will know the seriousness of my warning, I shall say this in English. O-Ren Ishii: [in English] As your leader, I encourage you from time to time, and always in a respectful mann...
Scout: I said, 'Hey,' Mr. Cunningham. How's your entailment getting along? [He turns and looks away] Scout: Don't you remember me, Mr. Cunningham? I'm Jean Louise Finch. You brought us some hickory nuts one early morning, remember? We had a talk. I w...
Mathilda: [Mathilda, crying about her brother's murder and her stepmother] I was more of a mother to him than thaat goddamn pig ever was! Léon: Hey, don't talk like that about pigs. They're usually much nicer than people. Mathilda: But they smell li...
Elvis: Yo, man, I ain't askin' nobody nothin'! Nick, Slevin, Clark Kent, whatever the fuck your name is. The Virgin Mary herself could com waltzin' up in here with her fine ass, titties hangin' out and everything, and if she tells me your name is Jes...
Iris Henderson: I was having tea about an hour ago with an English lady. You saw her, didn't you? Charters: Well, I don't know, I mean, I was talking to my friend, wasn't I? Caldicott: Indubitably. Iris Henderson: Yes, but you were sitting at the nex...
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Mother. Mother Sister Alberto: Yes? Alberto Granado: We want to eat. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: We deserve to eat like everyone else. Mother Sister Alberto: Yes, but you didn't go to mass. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: N...
Professor Henry Higgins: Marry Freddy! What an infantile idea, what a heartless, wicked, brainless thing to do. She'll regret it. She'll regret it! It's doomed before they even take the vow. [sings] Professor Henry Higgins: I can see her now, "Mrs. F...
Duke Forrest: What color was her hair? Trapper John: Black, shiny. Shiny black hair. Duke Forrest: Black. You like black, huh? I'm kinda partial to blondes myself. Hawkeye Pierce: I knew it. I knew you had a - - had an attraction for Hotlips Houlihan...
Sally: Lunch! Dr. Finkelstein: Mm, what's this? [sniffs] Dr. Finkelstein: Wormswort! Mmm... [prepares to take a bite but then sniffs suspiciously] Dr. Finkelstein: ...And frog's breath? Sally: [innocently] What's wrong? I thought you *liked* frog's b...
Devlin: I can't help recalling some of your remarks about being a new woman. Daisies and buttercups, wasn't it? Alicia: You idiot! What are you sore about, you knew very well what I was doing! Devlin: Did I? Alicia: You could have stopped me with one...
TV Repairman: Hey - who did Muffin take to the Masquerade Ball when her date came down with the measles? David: Her father. TV Repairman: That's right! And how'd she dress him? David: As Prince Charming. TV Repairman: Nice! Remember the one where Bud...
Pintel: [Pintel and Ragetti burst into the room] We know you're here, Poppet. Ragetti: Poppet. Pintel: Come out... and we promise we won't hurt you. Ragetti: Eh? Pintel: [smiles at Ragetti] We will find you, Poppet. You've got something of ours, and ...
[last lines] Norma Bates: [voiceover in police custody, as Norman is thinking] It's sad, when a mother has to speak the words that condemn her own son. But I couldn't allow them to believe that I would commit murder. They'll put him away now, as I sh...
Young Chas Tenenbaum: [about Margot's play] Well, what'd you think, Dad? Royal: Didn't seem believable to me. [to Eli] Royal: Why are you wearing pajamas? Do you live here? Young Richie Tenenbaum: He has permission to sleep over. Young Chas Tenenbaum...