Leaders are people who believe so passionately that they can seduce other people into sharing their dream.
If you are not careful, you can end up with many friends to do stuff with and to enjoy stuff with, but when it comes to sharing in the most intimate ways, is there anyone there?
We had better share our bewilderments. By hiding them from each other we should not hide them from ourselves.
Through my pain and sorrow, God has prepared me to share His word with others in a way that was made just for me.
Some truths are hard to swallow, so we share it within tales that most people will accept without being frightened by the truth hidden within.
Use our memories as an asset not as a liability. Don't let it be our inner curse but share them as a rare gift.
I'm sure the other kids wouldn't mind not being lectured by another toddler over the virtues of sharing and the mental benefits of toy blocks.
Being king is about having all the material things you want, and having nobody you trust enough to share them with.
Inside marriage, those feelings are pure. God wouldn't order us to be fruitful and multiply if He didn't want us to share intimacy. It fosters a special closeness.
It is the bravery of the lion that enables you the lion’s share of the power. More important than all, know this: bravery begets victory.
When you find the one, when you share the spark of kismet, then it becomes inconceivable to walk through life with anyone else.
Data doesn’t matter. Only opinions and stories formed from the data matters and gets shared and absorbed.
It turns out that sharing the past with someone is different from reliving it when you're alone. It feels less like a wound and more like a poultice.
Old love, middle love, the kind of love that knows itself and knows that nothing lasts, is a desperate shared wildness.
Be brave to share your story! Each of our stories, have a golden treasure for a specific need.
I found myself intent on keeping the memories of the year to myself. [...] I didn't want to share them. Because I didn't want to dilute them
We testify of what we have experienced and witnessed. May our testimony inspired others to share their story.
Healing stories are magickal tales born from personal tribulation and victory, which are then shared.
The friend is a human Eden But Eden is so easily lost When you choose, choose wisely Before you share, count the cost
Find my hand in the darkness, intertwined you will be the day to my night. We can share wings and take flight towards our own inner light.
You became the sonnet that was etched in my minds eye. Existing outside the dreams we shared in the presence of our eternal love.