I'm on the edge of a precipice.
The plural of anecdote is not data.
Music is my emotional tranquilizers
Courage is to walk hand in hand with the fear!
Flowers are the Romeos and the Juliets of the nature!
Achievement is not important, attempt is...!
Disappeare with the thunder....... Sasuke said
I don't feel hunky at all.
I was a reflective child.
Sunday is a day of rest.
A freedom-fighter is a slave to freedom.
To masturbate is to imagine: physically.
The second orgasm has a biblical connotation.
War is essential for peace.
I was an abused kid.
Be a star not a diva!
Today's accomplishments were yesterday's impossibilities.
The obscurest epoch is today.
Life is to be felt not to be understood.
I'm an artist, not a philosopher.
The verdict of the world is conclusive.