To be inspired is great, but to inspire is an honor.
Theology is ignorance with wings.
This will never come again
Dominance is only for GOD.
Virginity can be lost by a thought.
Language is the dress of thoughts.
What cannot be repaired is not to be regretted.
We're not into music. We're into chaos.
Don't be cool. Like everything.
Life without the Internet is unimaginable.
In relationships, there are no beginning and no end.
Truth starts with truth and ends with truth.
There's a 'me' in every 'you'.
My talents do not lie in DIY.
Killing a stag is like killing a child.
- Government - Free Shit for Idiots
Statism ends with an eye roll.
Conformity to the present is invisibility to the future.
Pulse proximity is not intimacy.
The law is an opinion with a gun.
I'm simpley one hell of a butler.