We are the playthings of the gods.
Things refuse to be mismanaged for long.
Art is what appeals to the a priori.
Mithorden: 'We become what we do, Zalos.
Impartiality is to accept that we are partial.
Where have all the Fembots gone?
Always be good, but be wickedly beautiful.
The simplicity of existence is that it is. The complexity of existence is that it is not.
A paradox may be paradoctored.
I was on the far side of the dream.
Nobody touches my ding dongs!
Be Clever, Think Clever and Do Clever
Money is just an idea.
Religion is a salve for confusion and misdirection.
There is no fault, only responsibility.
Hope floats but effort propels.
Image is everything, self image that is.
If you want to be mine;be of the divine,be of yourself.
Never interfere with events of nature.
When we are, love is not. When we are not, love is.
To be alone is to be different, to be different is to be alone.