I don't like hype cluttering art.
That is her style of beauty.
Acting is in everything but the words.
Be innocent, wise and ninety-five.
Wizard is as wizard does.
They didn't fear... They were fear!
Not my species, not my problem.
There is no faith in the smile of the rose
My purpose? What is my purpose?
Internet is puberty of society.
Time is the easiest asset to spend recklessly...
Buckmester County was in a time warp.
The snobbish lost in laud.
They are the we of me.
A weakling is incapable of sincerity.
To think is to be sick...
Karma was a bitch and a half.
Work is the undoing of nature.
Rationalization is foreplay with one's conscience.
See you on the astral
You are encased in my heart.