Religion is the politics of faith
Moose are the squirrels of Alaska.
Home is where the backpack is
But the truth is the highest consideration.
Weisheit kann Angst nicht bannen, Angst jedoch kann Weisheit bannen.
To hunt words is to do no trespass.
It's bizarre! But it is the way the world is.
Writing enlarges the landscape of the mind.
Education is not life planning, it is life.
I don't need any nicknames.
Prayer is an epitome of gratitude.
Success is a journey of transformations.
A witty saying proves nothing.
Clever tyrants are never punished.
What Matters!! Is Grey Matter!
Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly.
These marranos go wherever there is money to be made.
The perfect is the enemy of the good.
Un bon mot ne prouve rien.
I have a very small public.
The soulless have no need of melancholia