I don't know whether to be proud or appalled that danger, blood and death inspire you so.
Shades of BloodWhat matters right now is this: we're each of us standing here, together, alive, together.
Shades of EarthI didn’t even have a name for her, shade or human, but I didn’t need one to know her. (Eric)
Minutes Before SunsetDeserted libraries hold the shades of writers who worked within, and are haunted by their absence.
The Library at NightThe best lies to tell," said Jane, "are the ones people to believe.
Shades of Grey: The Road to High Saffron7. 3. 12. 31. 208: Reckless disrespect of the lightless hours will not be tolerated.
Shades of Grey: The Road to High SaffronNever underestimate the capacity for romance, no matter what the circumstances.
Shades of Grey: The Road to High SaffronThe grass is not 'greener' on the other side – it is just another shade of green.
Take Stress from Chaos to CalmI saw the world in black and white instead of the vibrant colours and shades I knew existed.
Pushing the LimitsMy house seems remarkably full of people," he observed. "Is it possible we were expected.
These Old Shades