I do have a small collection of traditional SF ideas which I've never been able to sell. I'm known as a fantasy writer and neither my agent nor my editors want to risk my brand by jumping genre.
Science fiction [is] the kind of writing that prepares us for the necessary mutations brought about in society from an ever changing technological world and as a result. The mainstream hasn’t excluded SF; the mainstream has excluded itself. No one ...
Write. Don't talk about writing. Don't tell me about your wonderful story ideas. Don't give me a bunch of 'somedays'. Plant your ass and scribble, type, keyboard. If you have any talent at all it will leak out despite your failure to pay attention in...
People talk about mainstream fiction and sf as though they were two quite different kinds of writing, and fantasy as well, as though it was quite different. But I think this a false distinction, that it is a labelling that helps librarians, and peopl...
I had said that Le Guin's worlds were real because her people were so real, and he said yes, but the people were so real because they were the people the worlds would have produced. If you put Ged to grow up on Anarres or Shevek in Earthsea, they wou...
Science fiction, as a genre is fundamentally about ideas. It's about asking an impossible question, "What if...?" and building a story out of the answer. Romance on the other hand, is fundamentally about relationships. The hypothetical romance transp...
Oareşce emoţii sunt de aşteptat de la un anticar când e luat pe sus, direct din pat, şi dus la Comandatură. Bine măcar că şoferul nici nu mă bagă în seamă, conduce maşina pe străzile încă pustii cu aroganţa învingătorului. Ferici�...
For so long considered a second-rate category to other writing genres, Science Fiction should be allotted its true place in literature. The reason Science Fiction is so important is because SF authors create the future. They bring through ideas, tech...
... Evren, eski küçük oyunların sahnelenemeyeceği kadar büyük. Sahnenin evrensel büyüklüğüne olayların, işlerin ve eylemlerin evrensel genişliği uymalı. Yoksa yanılıyor muyum? Yıldızlar çağında da sevi olacak, kıskançlık, a...