A part of sexuality may go to research, and a much larger part must lead to aesthetic creation. The art of the future will, because of the very opportunities and materials it will have at its command, need an infinitely stronger formative impulse tha...
Actul sexual fără substratul pasiunii copleşitoare este o terfelire şi trupească şi sufletească de care trebuie să te ruşinezi în faţa oamenilor şi, mai ales a conştiinţei tale.
I bought a packet of Trojan® Ultra Pleasure Extra Sensitive condoms: ‘No. 1 in AMERICA’. They smell nothing like a positive first sexual experience.
I tell myself not to feel sexually threatened. I am of no special interest; he could just as easily be angling for the printer.
Where Eckhart Tolle meets Jack Kerouac meets Buddha. A free consciousness expanding book to kill Ego, sexual boredom & lack of excitement in life.
There wasn't a shed of doubt in her mind that he'd fulfill her every sexual fantasy and them some. But was a brief, hot affair worth losing his friendship?
A paedophile is someone whose sexual attraction towards children their own age did not grow with them.
a man who uses a woman for his own sexual gratification, but belittles her into thinking she is no good in bed, is not a dominant personality, but a submissive one.
When you’re honest, what compares with the gorgeous thrill of sex? What brings you the same sense of wonder, pleasure, and fulfilment? I can’t think of anything as good.
Lust, desire and passion. They can turn a wallflower into a sexual predator and a rational person into a raving lunatic.
The reason is that even in a fantasy there is nothing even remotely erotic about a toilet bowl. In fact, considered as an accoutrement to a sexual encounter, a toilet bowl is a real cold shower.
Las flores son sólo órganos sexuales, vaginas abigarradas que adornan la superficie del mundo, entregadas a la lubricidad de los insectos.
Patriarchy, reformed or unreformed, is patriarchy still: its worst abuses purged or foresworn, it might actually be more stable and secure than before.
There was a multitude of sexual scenarios, from a simple one-on-one couple fucking like bunnies to an outright orgy with no less than eight people joined like LEGOs.
She said no to my sexual advances. Makes me wonder if she even knew the seven colors of the rainbow add up to the length of my penis.
S&M is as psychological as it is physical and sexual, Zach. Imagine being as deep inside a woman’s mind as you are inside her body.
When someone is sleep-Tweeting the sexual thoughts you’re currently having about them while you’re having sex with someone else, miles away, it’s kind of too late.
So intense was his sexual frustration that it had begun to feel like a life-threatening illness: testicular gout, libidinal gangrene.
They were young and gay and the femininity of their teenage years had only recently hardened into the muscle of a competitive sexual economy. Their muscles met the demands of the city, and the city met the demands of their muscles.
Nature has made a mistake in the choice of my sexuality and I must do a life-long penance for it, for the moral power to suffer the unavoidable with dignity is lost.
Gay male and lesbian culture is obsessed with purity of identity as the only basis for figuring out who you can trust or dance with. -Pat Califia