I purposely used a pretty cocky, abrasive writing style in Sex and Crime, to stir up some drama. My confrontational style quickly became the talk of the scene. Some of the things I wrote were so inflammatory, people had to vent about it on online for...
Everything's a bad metaphor for sex.
I never miss a chance to have sex or appear on television.
Death and sex are the dominant reality of our day.
There's no sex in Middle Earth.
I enjoyed sex and indulged in it when I fancied the men.
What goes for sex goes double for politics.
War is a perversion of sex.
From: The Crown of Telus She opened her eyes, saw the crown sitting on her bedside table, and wished that it was all a dream. The crown of Trist was nothing special. It had no gemstones, no gold or silver filigree; instead it was simple, a metal circ...
These days... it's all vanilla sex for me.
Sex is natural, but enjoying it's an art.
Sex is emotion in motion.
Sex is an emotion in motion.
The women's movement hasn't changed my sex life. It wouldn't dare.
I love to sing. Mostly about love and sex.
Sex is a two-way treat.
I practice safe sex - I use an airbag.
Sex and drugs were simply not discussed in our culture at that time.
In her hand was a necklace with a small oval pendant, a half of a locket engraved with one of the same symbols from the mirror frame—what Quinn saw as rolling waves. ~ "The Mirror
There were signs everywhere but none that I could read or even hope to decipher. These multi-lined symbols unhinged my familiar world.
It appeared that way, Lawrence, but this raised the question of was mathematics really true or was it just a game played with symbols? In other words—are we discovering Truth, or just wanking?