I have never seen any good resulting from educating the Negro.
If little else, the brain is an educational toy.
To aid life, leaving it free, however, that is the basic task of the educator.
Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.
Wisdom is the byproduct of lifelong experience and education.
It doesn`t hurt to get more education.
A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.
Instead of educating students, these professors are trying to indoctrinate them.
I'm really not into the educational aspect of performing. It's not in me.
Education illuminates us with the lights of knowledge and wisdom.
I'm convinced that promoting sport is an intelligent way of educating our children.
When you're educated, you must offer others a road to success.
I'm not educated as a filmmaker, so it's quite a jump for me.
By educating the young, we are building a liberating potential force indirectly.
Yes, across the board, these gentlemen understand they have the power to make a difference and even educate people to injustices that are occurring in their worlds.
Without an educated populace, democracy cannot sustain itself.
For you not to look scandalous, act educated.
Kundalini means, according to Zeena ‘She Who is Hidden,’ and points to the dormant goddess in every human being’s body. While the kundalini force is found in muladharachakra, she hypnotizes humans, like maya herself, and renders them slaves to ...
One of the biggest dangers on the left-hand path, according to Zeena, is that the initiate often adheres to the need of ‘maintaining his personality’, even when consciousness expands beyond every known border. The left-hand path requires, [...] t...
In Demons of the Flesh, Zeena describes how Shiva and Shakti are actually ‘two sides of the same deity’. The goal of the initiate on the left-hand path is to become ‘this bisexual twin godhead’ and activate a state of perceptual sexual ecstas...
A certain amount of native skill and training can allow many individuals to be fairly successful magicians, achieving a surprisingly high ratio of positive results through sorcery.(...) These outer changes, no matter how dramatic, will not necessaril...