Calvera: [dying - to Chris] You came back - for a place like this. Why? A man like you. Why?
The Magnificent SevenHilario: We'll fight with guns if we have them. If we don't, with machetes, axes, clubs, anything!
The Magnificent SevenHarry Luck: [Dying words] Well, I'll be damned. Chris Adams: Maybe you won't be.
The Magnificent SevenCalvera: We have a saying here: a thief who steals from a thief is pardoned for one hundred years.
The Magnificent SevenLee: [Grabs at three flies - opens his hand] One. There was a time when I'd have gotten all three.
The Magnificent SevenChico: And who made us the way we are? Men with guns! Men like Calvera... and you... and now me.
The Magnificent SevenChris: Go ahead, Lee. You don't owe anything to anybody. Lee: Except to myself.
The Magnificent SevenBen Thomas: [from trailer] I haven't treated myself very well. Emily Posa: [from trailer] Start now.
Seven PoundsBen Thomas: [From trailer] I did something really bad once and I'm never gonna be the same!
Seven Pounds