I once dealt with a prima donna on a movie set. I won't say who, but his first name is a country. A communist country. Run by Fidel Castro.
Look at it this way: if you write the novel of 'Cold Mountain,' it costs exactly the same to produce and market as a novel set in a room. If you make the film, the disparity of costs is huge.
I doubt it is your style Not to get what you set out to acquire The eyes are on fire You are the unforecasted storm Brianstorm
Always set your mind to think thoughts of victory even before the battle begins, this way you will experience limitless possibilities.
Monsters just outside our peripheral vision are scarier to contemplate than monsters miles away or in someplace only a fool would set foot in.
My search for ways to improve my touch has never ended. We players tried a lot of different things and compared notes. Little fads would set in.
I am a showman in the traditional sense, but modern, too. I like to use sets and lighting to create magic.
The library world is set up on this model where the library is a physical building and has a number of books and serves a geographical community.
I would never lay down a pre-programmed set and perform to a pre-mixed CD; I would never cheat my fans like that.
But you can catch yourself entertaining habitually certain ideas and setting others aside; and that, I think, is where our personal destinies are largely decided.
One child must never be set above another, even in casual conversation, not to mention in speeches that circle the globe.
Most people don't really understand what it takes to get a film made, and the struggles .I think anyone who makes a film goes through their own set of struggles.
The discipline you learn and character you build from setting and achieving a goal can be more valuable than the achievement of the goal itself.
I walked away from going to church when I was 8. I didn't set foot in another church until I was 28.
Shine like the day I set cosmic eyes on you, friend, by the light of the sweet squash in my lovely laser broom.
We have to ask ourselves why younger women don't feel the need to be right up front with their politics. Is that going to set us back or is that itself a sign of progress? I don't know the answer.
As women have played an increasingly important role in politics, there is no question that they've brought a different perspective, focusing attention on a broader set of issues and building alliances with other women.
Whenever you show up on a set where you haven't been from the beginning - at least myself - I'm kind of quiet. I just watch the politics and how everything unfolds.
Parenthood always comes as a shock. Postpartum blues? Postpartum panic is more like it. We set out to have a baby; what we get is a total take-over of our lives.
I'm finishing building a house and setting up a shop to build custom electronical musical instruments.
History makes my mouth water - and that is as much because of the voids in what documentation remains as what is set in stone.