I listen to them freely and with all the respect merited by their intelligence, their character, their knowledge, reserving always my incontestable right of criticism and censure.
Advertising: the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
If an animal does something, we call it instinct; if we do the same thing for the same reason, we call it intelligence.
If a cat does something, we call it instinct; if we do the same thing, for the same reason, we call it intelligence.
Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you.
Clearly no one knows what leadership has gone undiscovered in women of all races, and in black and other minority men.
The cardinal responsibility of leadership is to identify the dominant contradiction at each point of the historical process and to work out a central line to resolve it.
The Washington leadership has put aside non-proliferation programmes and devoted its energies and resources to driving the country to war by extraordinary deceit, then trying to manage the catastrophe it created in Iraq.
The message of the free world to any potential Palestinian leadership should be a simple one: Embrace democratic reform and we will embrace you.
The more that social democracy develops, grows, and becomes stronger, the more the enlightened masses of workers will take their own destinies, the leadership of their movement, and the determination of its direction into their own hands.
There's a void of leadership in a lot of Washington. I think one of the reasons why there's so much angst across the country.
Nobody in a leadership level in American politics is trying to inspire the American people. Everybody needs to be goosed. The vast majority of people are not self-starters.
In the '90s, there was scant presidential leadership and insufficient domestic political mobilization for foreign policy grounded in human rights.
We are dependent not so much on Earth, the third planet orbiting the sun, as on Gaea, the integrated system that includes, sustains and is shaped by life.
We sleep, but the loom of life never stops, and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up in the morning.
Life is the most versatile thing under the sun; and in the pursuit of life and character the author who works in a groove works in blinkers.
Life is the fire that burns and the sun that gives light. Life is the wind and the rain and the thunder in the sky. Life is matter and is earth, what is and what is not, and what beyond is in Eternity.
The First Amendment has the same role in my life as a citizen and a writer as the sun has in our ecosystem.
The force that keeps the planets revolving around the sun would be glad to handle the circumstances of your life, if only you would ask him to.
He who binds to himself a joy Does the winged life destroy; But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in eternity's sun rise.
He swung around. His body, bathed in the first rays of the sun, was stippled with color like a stained glass saint.