I don't swear much; I've taken those words out of my vocabulary, and having kids, you have to have two sets of language!
Making the unbelievable believable is different on a set with 'Fantastic Four,' where it's like, 'Wind machines! Because the airship is coming in and you're pretending to be afraid!'
Do not say I have no time to read. Set a daily time (15-20 minutes)for reading. Reading is rich source of wisdom and knowledge.
Make each day count by setting specific goals to succeed, then putting forth every effort to exceed your own expectations.
Setting up a community and seeing what happens to it when the megalomaniacs get busy: that's my main preoccupation.
I went down to the river, I set down on the bank. I tried to think but couldn't, So I jumped in and sank.
Limits have to be set on how far one can simply use the... cleverness that we have to make changes.
During the past 23 years, I have set a number of goals for myself and I'm proud to say that these goals have been achieved.
The mission I set out on in the beginning - to become heavyweight champion of the world, undisputed, lineal champion - you could say that mission is complete.
The following year, after I had prepared my draft, the Conference of the Interparliamentary Union at The Hague decided to set up a special commission to study the problem seriously.
There are a lot of mysteries about quantum mechanics, but they mostly arise in very detailed measurements in controlled settings.
You can really help support a character if you understand the setting. So for that reason I generally write about Philadelphia.
The truth has not so much set us free as it has ripped away a carefully constructed facade, leaving us naked to begin again.
Whilst our Hearts are violently set upon any thing, there is no convincing us that we shall ever be of another Mind.
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.
I'm going to take over on the Techno Comics so I'm going to be dealing in the children's merchandising type department. But that's just setting it up and having somebody run it.
There is always one person on the set who has a lot of anxiety, an actor who is really intense and has to stay in character and holds himself away from the rest of us.
I guess that's what I was: a set of abs. And they lit the abs and shot the abs and sent the abs on their way. The photographer didn't look at my face once. I was humiliated.
I like the fact you can spend two hours setting up a scene that will only last a couple of seconds. And I like just sitting around and dozing between scenes!
Well, I mean, Congress did originally set the formula for the state grants, and they guaranteed every state a minimum formula. So that was a congressional decision.
When the Haiti earthquake happened, I registered with UNICEF to set up an account, and posted to Twitter for people to donate to it. In a matter of a couple of hours, $30,000 had been donated. That, to me, was eye-opening.