It's important to travel and move and have a continual set of experiences so you've got more to feed back into your work. For me, it's a natural thing.
Greater personal choice, individually tailored services, stronger local accountability, greater efficiency - these are all central to the new direction of travel we have set for our public services.
Principal: We didn't run out of planes and television sets. We ran out of food.
[after the explosion] Cooper: What's your trust setting, TARS? TARS: Lower than yours, apparently
John Anderton: I'm not being set up. I really am going to kill this man.
It's incredible how nature sets females up to take care of people, and yet it is tricky for them to take care of themselves.
Psychologists have set about describing the true nature of women with a certainty and a sense of their own infallibility rarely found in the secular world.
When we set our hearts upon the things of this world and fail to be strictly honest with the Lord, we do not grow in the light and power and strength of the gospel as we otherwise would do.
Clear limits should be set on how power is exercised in cyberspace by companies as well as governments through the democratic political process and enforced through law.
Poetry is not only a set of words which are chosen to relate to each other; it is something which goes much further than that to provide a glimpse of our vision of the world.
I'd like Muslims to look at their religion as a set of beliefs that they can appraise critically and pick and choose from.
It may be that religion is dead, and if it is, we had better know it and set ourselves to try to discover other sources of moral strength before it is too late.
I have so much respect for television actors and directors. We're on set doing 16-hour days, and that's just what we do.
We set ourselves limits, but we are all strong enough to aim higher, to achieve our goals. All we have to do is find such strength within ourselves. Know how to develop it.
I'm an incredibly negative person, so any form of success is only ever going to be a relief to me and set my default position back to neutral.
I spent most of my high school years on movie sets and I'd have like one teacher, which was really bad.
I love being on sets with very seasoned directors as well as very new directors. Every time is a discovery process. You learn something new every time.
I love fire. As a child I loved setting light to things. I'd always be in the forest putting matches to pieces of wood. I've always regarded fire as my friend.
The hunger for knowing is what excites me. I get to geek out about editing, be on set, give notes to writers - I love it all.
I love working with actors. That's what the set really is, for me. It's my time with the actors.
Setting my mind on a musical instrument was like falling in love. All the world seemed bright and changed.