I hope our hopes and aspirations are bigger than setting records.
We are set to make very bad history.
My dad set a clear model for me for what manhood was all about.
I found that photography was a great way of relaxing on the set.
We wanted to set a good example for the growing number of divers watching.
I wanted to go to a good college, and my mind was set on Wellesley.
Love is friendship set on fire.
I love Dead Ringers. A democratic set, the work was taken seriously.
I love Dickens. I love the way he sets a scene.
Funnily enough, when I originally went in for my screen test, that set was already built.
I was more secure being a mother than I was walking on a set.
Your mentality sets the stage for your prosperity.
May living your truth set you free!
To change yourself, change the perception and mindset.
When I'm on set, I do whatever I can to find my focus.
When I'm on set, I never really get intimidated by people.
The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.
John Anderton: They set me up.
My view of social media is that it is a set of tools, not a religion.
Set religion free, and a new humanity will begin.
When I dealt with set theory, I could never make it be the music that I wanted.