Spiritual pride tends to speak of other persons’ sins with bitterness or with laughter and levity and an air of contempt. But pure Christian humility rather tends either to be silent about these problems or to speak of them with grief and pity. Spi...
There was no style in nature.
Books, the children of the brain.
The highest of distinctions is service to others.
We suffer each other to have each other a while.
Any ideas of 'other' are complicated, and otherness is relative to personal ideas of 'normal.'
Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.
My wife and I really, really like each other as well as love each other.
The essence of greatness is service to others.
To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.
In a relationship each person should support the other; they should lift each other up.
One eats figs whilst the other pays.
In God we trust; all others pay cash.
That which is a sin in others is a virtue in ourselves.
Borrowed money shortens time; working for others lengthens it.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
Envy shoots at others and wounds itself.
The mistakes of others are good teachers.
Before healing others, heal yourself.
Eyes trust themselves, ears trust others.
It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.